Father Stratton
Father Stratton, Dean & Rector, Cathedral Church of the Nativity, delivers the benediction.
Esther M. Lee, President, Bethlehem NAACP
Rev. A. Addison Young
Pastor, St. James AME Zion Church, Allentown, delivers the opening prayer.
Janine Santoro
Janine Santoro, Director of DEI, gives a presentation from the City of Bethlehem
Jaciel Cordoba
Jaciel Cordoba, WFMZ News Anchor delivers excerpts from Dr Martin Luther Kings speech.
Pastor Jean
Pastor Jean delivers excerpts from Dr Martin Luther Kings speech.
Superintendent Jack Silva
Superintendent Jack Silva, BASD
Lisa Lee
Lisa Lee, Bethlehem NAACP, delivers information about Moms for Liberty.
Dr. Wandalyn Enix
Dr. Wandalyn Enix, Bethlehem City Council, shares historical information about local black pioneers.
County Executive Lamont McClure
Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure shares his perspective on civil rights and what is being done in Northampton County
Representative Steve Samuleson
Representative Steve Samuelson gives remarks on civil rights.
Robin Hemmons Alozie
Robin Hemmons Alozie, Vice Principal, Freedom High School, delivers excerpts from Dr Martin Luther Kings speech.
Kimberly Holmes
Kimberly Holmes delivers excerpts from Dr Martin Luther Kings speech.
Winston Alozie
Winston Alozie, Exec. Dir. Boys & Girls Club of Bethlehem, delivers excerpts from Dr Martin Luther Kings speech.
Kari Holmes
Kari Holmes, Rising Sun Initiative, Allentown, delivers excerpts from King’s speech.
Sam Burgess
Deacon Sam Burgess delivers a poem dedicated to the Sandy Hook students.
Anthony Palmer
Anthony Palmer leads music selections.
Father Stratton
Father Stratton, Dean & Rector, Cathedral Church of the Nativity, delivers the benediction.